Hair restoration

hair restoration

Hair restoration is a term used to describe surgical and non-surgical procedures aimed at restoring hair growth in areas of the scalp that are balding or thinning. Hair loss can be a source of frustration and embarrassment for people who experience it, yet many don’t know how they can address it. Fortunately, hair restoration treatments have come a long way in recent years and there are now several options available to those seeking to restore their look and confidence. One such option is Alma TED (Transcutaneous Electrical Dermal Stimulation).

Alma TED is an advanced, non-invasive treatment that uses low levels of electrical stimulation to stimulate hair growth and increase blood circulation in affected areas. During the procedure, small electrodes are placed on the scalp and a mild electrical current is applied. This causes the superficial skin layers to contract, which in turn increases blood flow to the hair follicles. The increased blood flow has been shown to stimulate new hair growth and result in thicker, healthier looking hair over time.

The advantages of using Alma TED for hair restoration are numerous. The procedure is completely pain-free and involves no incisions or injections into the scalp. It can also be used safely on all types of skin tones without any risk of scarring or discoloration, making it ideal for those who are concerned about side effects from other treatments. Additionally, since there’s no downtime required after treatment sessions, patients can go back to their regular activities immediately.

Results from Alma TED vary, depending on the level of hair loss and individual’s overall health. However, most people who have undergone treatment with this device report that their balding areas have become thicker and more voluminous within a few short weeks of their first session. Additionally, many patients experience improved texture, color and luster to their hair as well.

If you are looking for an effective solution to your hair loss concerns, then Alma TED may be the perfect option for you. With its non-invasive nature and minimal side effects, it is a safe and reliable way to restore your scalp’s natural beauty without taking any risks or compromising your comfort. To find out if this treatment is right for you, contact your local healthcare provider or hair restoration specialist and discuss the best way to get started.

hair restoration with alma TED FAQ

How long does a session of Alma TED last?
Is there any pain involved with the procedure?
What kind of results can I expect from Alma TED?
Are there any side effects associated with Alma TED?