abnormal periods & Endometriosis

abnormal periods & endometriosis

Abnormal periods and endometriosis are two of the most common issues that women face, particularly during their reproductive years. Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue normally found in the uterus grows outside of it, often resulting in severe pain and other symptoms. Abnormal periods, on the other hand, can come with a variety of issues such as irregularity or even complete absence of menstrual cycles. Both conditions can be disruptive to everyday life and require medical attention.

Endometriosis affects an estimated 1 in 10 women between the ages of 15-44 and is typically diagnosed through laparoscopy or ultrasound imaging. It causes pelvic pain that worsens over time, painful cramps during menstruation, heavy periods, and spotting between cycles. It may also cause infertility. Endometriosis can be managed through the use of medications, lifestyle changes, or surgery.

Abnormal periods are defined as any menstrual cycle that falls outside of the normal range of 21-35 days in length. Common causes include hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), excessive exercise, sudden weight gain or loss, stress, dieting, and certain medical conditions such as thyroid issues. Symptoms of abnormal periods include light to heavy bleeding with clots, irregularity in the timing of your period cycle, missed periods entirely and cramps during menstruation that are either too mild or too strong compared to usual.

Endometriosis and abnormal periods can both be managed through lifestyle changes, medications, or in some cases surgery. Eating a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to regulate hormones which may reduce the symptoms of endometriosis and abnormal periods. Reducing stress levels can also help to regulate hormones and lessen the severity of symptoms. In some cases birth control pills or other hormonal medicines are prescribed to balance hormones further. Surgery may be necessary for women with severe endometriosis or who have not had success with other treatments.

It’s important for women suffering from either endometriosis or abnormal periods to speak with their doctor so they can get the right diagnosis and treatment plan. There are many effective treatments available that can help to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

No matter what condition you’re dealing with, it's important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Learning about your condition, developing healthy habits such as eating well and exercising regularly, reducing stress levels and seeking out emotional support can all help in managing endometriosis or abnormal periods.  Most importantly, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns because they are there to help!  With the right support, you can live a full and happy life despite having either endometriosis or abnormal periods.

abnormal periods & endometriosis FAQ

How is endometriosis diagnosed?
What causes abnormal periods?
How are endometriosis and abnormal periods treated?
How are endometriosis and abnormal periods treated?